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Changelog: v2.9 - 2024.08.08

Tricia Cate

Updated: Jan 15

New Functionality:

  1. Global Manual Variables were released with a new build. They are shared across the entire application and can be accessed and used in every workflow. These variables, once added to the global section, become available to all users within the system. Global Manual Variables are ideal for scenarios where specific data needs to be consistently used across multiple workflows.

  2. The oAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant w/ PKCE Support was added to the API module. Users are now able to create new API Template with the Authorization method oAuth 2.0 .


Enhancements and Updates: 

  1. StringTokenFormatter class was updated to the v.9.0.1.

  2. HTML, SQL and LBM modules were updated to support the Incoming Payload UI of the Variables Library inside of the nested dialogs (HTML email template editor, SQL Query Builder, Output rules edit dialog). User is also able to hide/display Library UI on those additional dialogs.

  3. EMM Attachments handling was updated. The Include Attachments switch was implemented to toggle the display of the current email attachments control section. If Include Attachments is disabled all attachment logic is bypassed.

  4. EMM View Message dialog was updated to include the Sender Name and Address fields.

  5. Several improvements were made to the API module:

    1. API Module was updated to display the extra confirmation dialog for the Test Run function if the HTTP method is other than GET.

    2. Support for the PATCH HTTP method was added to the API Module settings.

    3. API module was updated to encode the Key and Value parts when combining them to a string leaving only the & as a delimiter for Header, Variable, and the Parameters string.

    4. The Response Key field was added below the Output Array Name of the API Module settings to merge API Response Data with the payload.

    5. Include File functionality was added to the API module setting. Displays when content-type is multipart/form-data and hides the switch and control group when any other content-type.

    6. A drop-down option was added to the API Template so user can define where the API Key and API Value should be pasted (Header/Query Parameters/Body).

    7. A new control was added to the API Module Settings to define the select response mode: “All” returns the complete API response; when set to Single and the API response is an array the first element of that array will be added to the module payload.

  6. The Variables Library was updated so all Variables have the save Details Dialog. Along with this, Custom Output Variables were updated to better handle duplicated payload variables management and support “Override value” logic.

  7. Improvements were made to cover cases when User opens the existing Workflow and there is new module control detected. Several checks were added to pre-populated default if there is no DB value.

  8. A global setting was added to control for delayed processing modules, EMM and SMS that controls the delay interval in seconds between retry attempts.


Application Corrections and Bug Fixes:

  • The Output_Handler Class Is Not Properly Implemented.

  • Update Payload for Error Outputs With Error Tracking Properties.

  • Output Variables JSON Is Not Replacing Variables Prior to Payload Merge.

  • Bug in Script Path on Invoice_lookup.aspx.

  • PPM - In Page Normalization Mode the Source is Expected to be a Directory Path.

  • DHE - UI Notification is not shown when the Connection is changed after the Test Run.

  • SQL - The test run button should be blocked if the Query type is other than SELECT.

  • Editor UI not using default property in Controls.JSON for new controls when config is missing in Workflow.JSON.

  • WMM - OPTWordMerge Library Fails With Documents Containing Images Other Than Jpeg.

  • WMM - The Brace Merge Character is Causing Issues in Variable Replacement Resulting in Invalid Payload.

  • DHE - Has Data output is Being Triggered Regardless of Returning No Data.

  • LBM - Generic Operator not Recognized. Operator Value: Does Not Exist.

  • Variables library branching naming does not have OUT pin name.

  • SMS - Retry Interval default Minimum of One Second is Not Working.

  • SMS - SMS Queue grid is missing error message.

  • FE - Custom output key issues.

  • LBM - LBM should not have Output Variables section in the Edit Custom Out dialog (for now).

  • SMS - Numerous SMS events for canceled WF trigger.

  • Draft recovered for published revision.

  • SCH - Exception in Processing Can Leave an Event Record in Pending Status.

  • DAM - DAM is not available if there is no active license.

  • SMS - WF Triggers grid displays error when no processing errors exist.

  • LBM - Getting Error Opening New Module in WF.

  • API - Encoding issue.

  • Unhandled Exceptions Causing UI to Crash (White Screen).

  • Failed to get missing controls issue.

  • SQL - Error on the test run.

  • API - PATCH Request is Failing Due to a Deserializing Issue with Body JSON.

  • DTM - FlattenKey - Flattening should not be recursive by default.

  • SQL - AQB Getting intermittent error "server error: Token not found" on customer's system.

  • API - The Template Authorization Header Property Insertion is no Longer Required.

  • SQL - Invalid SQL Query is not shown in the AQB.

  • Date/Time grid filter is broken.

  • Getting variables for the test run retrieves 400 error.

  • DAM - Sorting by size and type doesn't work in the Asset Manager assets grid.

  • SCH - Error on SCH trigger with one-time job schedule.

  • DTM - Add key tool should replace var if it is added as a value.

  • DTM - Input Payload not updating based on the previous step.

  • DTM - Variables not being replaced in some functions.

  • API - Patch method doesn't work.

  • API - Callback URL was mocked.

  • SQL - AQB - Query Results does not work at all now.

  • FIM - FIM Rows processing fails with Workflow_event_id=0.

  • DMM, SCH - Restoring DMM background tasks error after ISS restart.

  • Fix - API - Api-Key Authentication support restored. Added request section selector for inserting the api-key to headers, query parameters or body.


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